I had a great first day out at Maldon market. Chuffed to bits to have a pitch and an opportunity to merry meet, I made the most of it. The trusty gazebo doubled up as a shop and Tarot booth and worked a treat. Sheena set up a sacred space for readings...
All very cosy.
I was blessed with glorious sunshine all day and met up with old friends who called in to say hello, as well as making some new ones. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Two lovely ladies came in for readings - one of whom is coming to my Maldon workshop next month –another lady bought a deck of cards and also expressed an interest in the workshop, and many asked was I coming again… Of course I am.
All very cosy.
I was blessed with glorious sunshine all day and met up with old friends who called in to say hello, as well as making some new ones. Isn’t that what it’s all about? Two lovely ladies came in for readings - one of whom is coming to my Maldon workshop next month –another lady bought a deck of cards and also expressed an interest in the workshop, and many asked was I coming again… Of course I am.
Now fired up with more ideas of what I can offer and looking forward to being a permanent fixture at the market, those creative juices are flowing like crazy!
However, keeping my feet firmly grounded… there’s work to be done!
Crafty does it )O(
However, keeping my feet firmly grounded… there’s work to be done!
Crafty does it )O(