What a buzz... Lift off at the Launch party couldn't have sent the Magic out into the world any better. Old friends and new turned up, it was great to put a face and voice to all those who we'd met with online - can't beat a bit of personal as oppose to virtual engagement.
Tracey and Ken worked like Trojans all night behind the counter of Kast Mystical (Tracey escaping behind the curtain for tea and coffee making duties when she could) and their daughter Sharna kindly looking after Lola Puppydog who's behaviour was impeccable until she discovered a cardboard box leading to Australia. Consequently she dug and destroyed.
The raffle was a success with prizes of a Crafty Crones reading, a place on a Magic of Nature workshop and an oracle deck topping the list... People were signing up for workshops (at Kast Mystical) and newsletters and generally showing great interest in the cards and our plans for the future. We were chuffed.
Friends and strangers bought decks - wonderful to know that the cards are now being used by others and working their Magic as we always knew they would.
Crooked and pointy hat off to the enormous and lush chocolate Hedgehog cake which I devoured in an unladylike manner by the plate load. I blame the adrenalin which I wasn't entirely prepared for together with the presentation talk which reduced me to a puddle. Oh well, these things can (and did) happen - we all lose control of the mask sometimes - but what is more important is what really happened that night was *Magical* for us. Three years of heart and soul bursting work ended by a send off party...
Now onto the next stage of the journey ~ teaching, working and sharing in the Magic ~ Let's do it!
)O( Craftily )O(
Tracey and Ken worked like Trojans all night behind the counter of Kast Mystical (Tracey escaping behind the curtain for tea and coffee making duties when she could) and their daughter Sharna kindly looking after Lola Puppydog who's behaviour was impeccable until she discovered a cardboard box leading to Australia. Consequently she dug and destroyed.
The raffle was a success with prizes of a Crafty Crones reading, a place on a Magic of Nature workshop and an oracle deck topping the list... People were signing up for workshops (at Kast Mystical) and newsletters and generally showing great interest in the cards and our plans for the future. We were chuffed.
Friends and strangers bought decks - wonderful to know that the cards are now being used by others and working their Magic as we always knew they would.
Crooked and pointy hat off to the enormous and lush chocolate Hedgehog cake which I devoured in an unladylike manner by the plate load. I blame the adrenalin which I wasn't entirely prepared for together with the presentation talk which reduced me to a puddle. Oh well, these things can (and did) happen - we all lose control of the mask sometimes - but what is more important is what really happened that night was *Magical* for us. Three years of heart and soul bursting work ended by a send off party...
Now onto the next stage of the journey ~ teaching, working and sharing in the Magic ~ Let's do it!
)O( Craftily )O(